The Quran is all about you humans and it will give you eminence. [21:10]
O’ Mankind! There has now come to you Enlightenment from your Sustainer, and a healing for everything that troubles your hearts, and Guidance, and Grace to all who embrace it. [10:57]
Nay, they deny it without grasping the profound knowledge therein. And they have yet to see the benevolent transformation it can bring about in the making of humanity…. [10:39]Let us not be disappointed or distracted by the deplorable actions of the so-called Muslims today. We know that a tree is known by the fruit it bears. Unfortunately, the Muslims are getting their fruit from a bad tree. They have forsaken the Quran in favor of the Mullah’s writings and preaching. This Counterfeit, “Imamist”, Mullah-made, Tradition-based, Alien, Ritualistic, Fatalistic, Superstitious, 73 Virgin-oriented and non-Quranic “Islam” has wrought misery to humanity in general and humiliation to Muslims in particular, and it is destined to be routed. God willing, with efforts like ours, the world is about to witness and experience the benevolent, Quran-based Islam soon.
Revelation economizes human effort. Without it, humans toil in search of the right system. [84:6].It is often said that great minds think alike. Quite a few brilliant minds in the West, at the height of their intellectual inquiry, seem to come close to the glorious concepts, principles, and ideals of Divine intelligence given in the Quran. For example:
“I think, therefore I am.” Rene Descartes (1590 to 1650, French philosopher).Descartes’ ability to think proved to him and others that his existence was real. Most simply, this demolishes the false dogmas of "Wahdat al-Wujud" (Unity of being), Mysticism, Pantheism, and Sufism all of which deny the real existence of everything but God. Plato thought of the Universe as ‘a reflection of ideas', “The real existence is only of the World of Ideas. All that we see around us is an image of that World.” Great Hindu philosophers thought of the Universe as God’s dream, “Lord Brahma is dreaming in a deep slumber. The dream is this Universe and the day He wakes up, it would be the end of the show.” Some thought of God as “Nut Rajan”, the Great Player: “The Universe is a toy and Lord Rama is playing with it.” Said a little differently by philosopher Manu, “The Cosmos is Ramji’s ‘leela’ (doll) and Ramji is playing with her.” [Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, Sir William Muir, the governor of UP during the 1860s] The Quran states that the entire Universe, including mankind, has a real existence. It has been created for a definite purpose, not in mere play. And it runs according to permanent, immutable laws. So, water flows down-stream, gravity pulls, fire is hot, ice is cold, things float on water or sink in accordance with their specific gravity, planets revolve in their assigned orbits, all living beings face death, night and day alternate, opposite poles attract, like poles repel, actions have reactions, metals are good conductors of heat and electricity while non-metals are not, magnet will pull iron and leave aside wood, elements will always have fixed densities and boiling and freezing points, heat expands, cold contracts, all things are made of atoms, and so on. When we discover any of such laws, we call it science. If the physical laws in Nature were to keep changing, no science would have been possible. God creates His laws in the World of Command as He wills. Then He implements these laws in the World of Creation (Universe or Nature). Although the all Powerful God can change these laws, He never does. Therefore, nothing ‘supra-natural’, ‘supra-rational’ or ‘supernatural’ happens in the Universe. What is called ‘chance’, something incredible, unexplainable, or a ‘miracle’ today, becomes easily comprehensible tomorrow as we advance in knowledge.
[“One who disbelieves in miracles, is an infidel; one who believes in them, is a fool.” - Talmud]The Universe is an absolute reality …. It has been created for a definite purpose …. Not for mere play …. It has been designed such that everything in it must become what it is meant to be …. And that every action gets a just recompense …. Universal laws never change or deviate.
10:5 …. God has created the Universe as the absolute reality and for a definite purpose. …
35:43 No change you will ever find in the laws of God, and no deviation you will ever find in them ….. [6:34, 6:116, 10:64, 17:77, 18:27, 33:38, 33:62, 35:43, 40:85, 48:23]
7:54 …. Remember! To Him belongs the World of Creation, and to Him belongs the World of Command. Exalted is God, the Lord of the Worlds. [10:3, 11:7, 13:2, 25:59, 50:38, 57:4, See 41:10]
18:27 …. None can alter His Words …. [His laws in Theory (Kalimaatillah), and His laws in Practice as implemented in the Universe (Sunnatillah), never change. 6:34, 6:116, 10:64, 17:77, 18:27, 33:38, 33:62, 40:85, 48:23]
21:16 We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in mere play, without purpose. [11:7, 45:22, 53:31]
45:22 God has created the heavens and earth with a definite purpose, and every ‘self’ shall be compensated for what it has earned. And no injustice will be done to them.Just as the Divine laws govern the Universe, they also govern our physical bodies. Why Not Let The Divine Laws Govern Our Conduct As Well? Guess What? That Is What Islam Is. This is another beauty of the Quran: It rationally negates all superstitions and false dogmas of the past, present and future. There is not a single intellectual inquiry that the brightest human mind could raise and its answer is not already given in the Book.
I could say: "It sounds strange that most people have no hesitation in accepting the fact that God revealed His messages to the exalted prophets Abraham, Moses, Jesus and others, but suddenly fall into skepticism when it comes to Muhammad (S), or Philip K. Dick. We will let the reader see the superb quality of the Final Message of God to mankind."
ReplyDeleteI say Philip K. Dick was a minor prophet. He died in 1982.
Others could insert their own guy at the end of the list (Joseph Smith comes to mind).
I don't mean to be facetious -- Dick had a deep and rich theology expressed via his science fiction. Interesting stuff -- you'd like:
The Divine Invasion
Radio Free Albemuth
Also, I appreciate this: "This Counterfeit, “Imamist”, Mullah-made, Tradition-based, Alien, Ritualistic, Fatalistic, Superstitious, 73 Virgin-oriented and non-Quranic “Islam” has wrought misery to humanity in general and humiliation to Muslims in particular, and it is destined to be routed."
Nice serial turn of phrase to be sure.
I think this "Most simply, this demolishes the false dogmas of "Wahdat al-Wujud" (Unity of being), Mysticism, Pantheism, and Sufism all of which deny the real existence of everything but God. Plato thought of the Universe as ‘a reflection of ideas', “The real existence is only of the World of Ideas. All that we see around us is an image of that World.” Great Hindu philosophers thought of the Universe as God’s dream, “Lord Brahma is dreaming in a deep slumber. The dream is this Universe and the day He wakes up, it would be the end of the show.”" is somewhat inaccurate.
I'm certain not all forms of mysticism deny "real" existence. Maybe a few do. And pantheism by no means denies the real existence of the world, it merely ties God much closer to the world than most theists are willing to go. Not sure about Sufism - but I'd be willing to bet many of its forms have nothing to do with theories of existence, but more with a mystical union with God.
And finally I think the Great Hindu philosophers may have been on to something.
There is no fundamental difference between a computer simulation and "reality" as we know it. If we were inside a simulation, we'd have no way of knowing any different. Chances are, we ARE part of a vast "simulation" -- but who is to say the ultimate nature of reality is NOT what we call "simulation"?
Dear John,
ReplyDeleteI've never come across Dick and his philosophies. Since great minds think alike, I dont think his teachings would be something new, but he may be trying to convey the same old Message of Truth in a new way.
This article that is here posted conveys The Message that Muhammad wanted to convey to the world, and that I want too. But these words do not belong to me. They come from my respected spiritual teacher Dr. Shabbir Ahmed. The title of this post links to him. Please visit him to find more contents like these.
ReplyDeleteYes, I always thought of Philip K. Dick expressing the "same old message of truth in a new way." That's it exactly, and he does it in a very modern idiom through some really neat sci-fi. Really recommend VALIS, and the others I mentioned. Somewhat heretical, yet mind blowing.
ReplyDeleteAre you familiar with the English artist and poet William Blake? Same thing. Powerful stuff, but slightly heterodox at least (from both a Muslim and a Christian perspective).